Schoolscape: Taking Your School Online Webinars


Taking your school online can be a daunting task. How do you know which companies are reputable and which tools are right for your school? 

As a company, Schoolscape has always been about connecting schools with top-rated suppliers. In line with this and in light of the countrywide lockdown, Schoolscape have recorded and are recording webinars with top-rated companies who have products/services aimed at making remote teaching/learning both easier and more engaging. 

Interviews are short, sharp and sweet – around 20-30 minutes. 

You can also claim CPTD points for watching these!

Webinars Up Next

Digital Generation

Many schools pre-COVID already had learners with devices at school which pushed a considerable burden on IT managers. What happens if students come back to school with more devices (which is highly likely)? In this free webinar, @SchoolAdvisorPosts chat with experts, @DigitalGenZA, and @DellTechZA, to discuss a possible solution – outsourced IT device management. Join us live via this free-to-join webinar at 3:15PM on the 26th of May.

Register here.

Previous Recorded Webinars

Finding Content & Resources for Remote Teaching: Expert Advice and Tips from Teacha!

In this webinar, we interview Jean Vermeulen, Founder of Teacha! and the teacher behind the popular blog and Facebook page – Onnies Online. Tune in to discover how to find resources and content that you can use for remote learning and get insider tips on using the resources found on the Teacha! platform. We will also show how you can upload your own content to Teacha! and even make money from doing so.

E-Learning Resources for Grades 4 to 7 – Find Out About My Cyberwall’s Unique Offering

Wednesday, April 29th 2020 – 3:15 PM

Finding or creating high quality resources is always a time-consuming challenge for educators, especially in today’s current situation. In this webinar, we interview their CEO, Angela Allan, to find out why clients love My Cyberwall and how your school can use My Cyberwall’s resources both during and after lockdown.

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Inside View of What Home Learners are Facing and How to Handle It – Cyberbullying, Depression, Trolling

Thursday, April 30th 2020 – 3:15 PM

With home learning causing learners to spend more time on their (or parent) devices, data is revealing there is an increase in risky online behavior causing mental health and reputational harm. We sit down with Dean from MySociaLife, SA’s #1 In-School Digital Life Skills Educators, to find out what students reveal about sexting, bullying, privacy, trolling.

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One Solution to View & Monitor Learners Devices and aide Classroom Activities -Viso Demo

Tuesday, May 5th 2020 – 3:15 PM

If your learners are working on devices from home or in the classroom, teachers and IT managers face similar challenges: What are they viewing during a lesson? Can you control their devices? Can you lock them out of certain websites? How do you assist learners that are technically challenged? Is there one solution that integrates with likes of Microsoft and Google? In this webinar, Interactive AV Solutions will live demo their 2 software solutions to solve these challenges during and post lockdown.

 Watch this free webinar

FREE ACCESS to SA E-Textbooks for the Rest of the Year! How It Works & How to Effectively Use Them

Wednesday, May 6th 2020 – 11:00 AM

With schools being forced into home learning, Snapplify and top South African educational publishers made the incredibly bold step to provide free access to thousands of e-textbooks to everyone who needs them. In this interview, we chat with Wesley Lynch, CEO of Snapplify, to find out how the Free Access initiative came about, how it works, what textbooks are included and what else schools need to know. 

Watch this free webinar

E-Learning Essential Content For Schools; Now & in the Future. Cheaper than most Textbooks

Wednesday, May 6th 2020 – 3:15 PM

How do you find an e-learning solution that will work for your school both now, during lockdown, and as you transition back to teaching in your classrooms? Join this webinar as we chat with 3P Learning, the team behind Mathletics, Reading Eggs, STEMscopes Science, Readiwriter Spelling and Mathseeds! Discover how their solutions are cheaper than most textbooks and offer far more.

→ Watch this free webinar

1 Webinar. 5 Companies. Showcasing PPE Products to Take Your School Back Safely

Thursday, May 7th 2020 – 11:00 AM

With the Education Department setting dates for schools to reopen, they need to ensure they are compliant with the new safety regulations. To help schools grasp what products are vital to their students’ and staffs’ safety, we’ll be showcasing 5 trusted companies’ PPE and safety equipment  – it will cover hand thermometers, hands-free sanitizer dispensers, masks, desks dividers, entrance sanitizer solutions and more). By the end of the webinar, you will have an idea of the available solutions, pricing, and would have seen how they actually work.

→ Watch this free webinar

MTN Business – Incredible special data offering for schools

Thursday, 14th of May at 3:15PM

How do you provide connectivity for learners and teachers working from home that don’t have access to the internet? A. Join this webinar to find out more about MTN Business’ incredible offering for schools: 10 Gigs for R139* on a SIM-only deal with no long term contracts

 Watch this free webinar

E-Learning Resources for Grades 4 to 7 – Find Out About My Cyberwall’s Unique Offering

Finding or creating high quality resources is always a time-consuming challenge for educators, especially in today’s current situation. In this webinar, we interview their CEO, Angela Allan, to find out why clients love My Cyberwall and how your school can use My Cyberwall’s resources both during and after lockdown.

Watch this free webinar

Inside View of What Home Learners are Facing and How to Handle It – Cyberbullying, Depression, Trolling

With home learning causing learners to spend more time on their (or parent) devices, data is revealing there is an increase in risky online behavior causing mental health and reputational harm. We sit down with Dean from MySociaLife, SA’s #1 In-School Digital Life Skills Educators, to find out what students reveal about sexting, bullying, privacy, trolling.

Watch this free webinar

How your school can use Hikvision comprehensive screening solution to ensure students’ and staff safety.

Tuesday, 19th of May at 3:15PM

Temperature screening and quick access for a high number of students at the same time would be really challenging. Join this webinar to find out how your school can use this comprehensive screening solution to ensure your students’ and staff safety.

 Register for this free webinar

How to Use Free CAPS-Aligned School Video Lessons Made by Top SA Teachers

With the national lock-down, local education business, Worksheet Cloud realized they could help by providing FREE CAPS-aligned online video classes done by highly-qualified SA teachers. What they thought would reach a few hundred people has already received over 600,000 online views. In this webinar, we will find out more about Worksheet Cloud and how school teachers can use their free video lessons to support home learning.

→ Watch this free webinar

Finding Content & Resources for Remote Teaching: The Sensible Use & Integration of Technology During Lockdown – FEDSAS Weighs In

The sensible use and integration of technology in the learning and teaching process has never been more relevant than now. In this webinar, we talk to Riaan van der Bergh, Education Technology Manager at FEDSAS. Riaan will address questions like: Will technology replace teachers? What about cybersecurity, screen time, depression, disconnection? Can technology save the day? What is the role of the school IT Manager?

View recorded webinar

How to Keep Staff SACE & CPTD Compliant During Lockdown

In this webinar, we chat with Paige Davidson from Get SACE Points to find out how to keep staff and teachers SACE/CPTD compliant while remote teaching. We’ll include a live demo of how you can register points from any course or training you are attending, digitally.

View recorded webinar

Educational Content for Pre & Primary School Home Learning

Discover how your learners can be engaged when learning from home with advice from 2Simple. Included will be a demo on their range of teaching tools and content. 

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A Visualiser Enhances Remote Teaching

Many teachers now face the dilemma of having to teach from home. But, what does this exactly look like? It’s very different from teaching in a physical classroom. We sit down with premier interactive classroom technology and technical teaching aids supplier, DocQtech, who show how teachers can use a Visualiser to teach remotely.

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Google Education / Classroom

In this webinar, we chat to Alister Payne of CloudEd Solutions – an authorised Google Education Partner. We discuss Google Classroom and all the Google tools bundled with it.
Available now on-demand


In this webinar, we will be chatting to Apple education specialist Digicape. We’ll dive into the hardware, software and teacher managed software that Apple offers that you can use to introduce home learning for your school.
Available now on-demand


Many schools are not aware of the cyber threats that schools face when taking their schools online. Join this webinar as we interview Ashley Lawrence from SonicWall to learn about cyber-attacks affecting home learning. It will also cover the core requirements and key components to consider when selecting a network security solution that will protect your learners and staff.
Available now on-demand


Zoom, a secure video communication service is taking the world by storm. The webinar interview with Derek Underwood from Eduboard will cover what Zoom is, how it works and how your school can use it to provide a platform for home learning.
Available now on-demand


We interviewed Microsoft Education Specialist Elsabe Heart to find out about Microsoft’s free offering to facilitate home learning.
Available now on-demand

Delete Confirmation

Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.