Resource Description

Afrikaanse PowerPoint lesse aanbieding wat die volgende onderwerpe dek:

Mense en voedsel

Soorte boerderye



Gevallestudie van vrugteboerdery

Gevallestudie van veeboerdery

Onverwerkte en verwerkte voedselsoorte

Ons suksesvolle plaas

7 aktiwiteite

‘n Bietjie pret in die klaskamer


Resource Reviews

Store reviews: ( 21 ratings )

Password Protect

Why do I buy something and when I open or download the file it is password protected. I cant save my document i have bought???????

Lishea Coetzee - September 16, 2022

Delete Confirmation

Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.