The confused Troll – a story about emotions
Resource Description
The book and games are suitable for children between 2 and 3 years old.
Emotions are a fairly abstract concept to teach to a child and can be hard to describe. It is important to teach your child about emotions as early as
possible, because emotions influences every decision they make.
Children who understand their emotions are less likely to act out. A child who can say “I’m angry” is less likely to use a temper tantrum or aggression to express themselves.
Teaching your child about emotions can help to make them emotionally strong and help them understand how they are feeling, which teaches them coping skills and gives them confidence to handle what life throws their way.
What can my child learn:
1. Emotions such as: Confused, happy, sad, angry & scared.
2. Teach your child how to describe what they are feeling.
3. Expand vocabulary.
4. Recognise facial expression.
What is included:
a. Illustrated story book.
b. Emotions wheel.
c. Bonus ideas to do at home.
d. Emotions block.
e. Managing big emotions – tips and exercises.