Ruimtelike persepsie – Spatial perception
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Resource Description
Herkenning van posisies in die ruimte, rigting en ruimtelike oriëntasie wat die boustene van geletterdheid en syfervaardighede vorm. Die program is deur ‘n arbeidsterapeut saamgestel en behels 42 bladsye speletjies en werksblaaie vir posisie in die ruimte en ruimtelike verhoudings wat belangrik is vir die ontwikkeling van lees en handskrif. Geskik vir Graad R tot Graad 2.
Identification of positions in space, directions and spatial orientation that form the foundation for literacy and numeracy skills. The program is compiled by an occupational therapist and consists of 42 pages of games and worksheets for position in space and spatial relations which are important for the development of reading and handwriting. Suited for Grade R to Grade 2.