A set of isiZulu and English Number mats for the numbers 1 to 10


Resource Description

This resource is made up of 10 mats. Each mat has a number, 1 to 10. On the mat there is the symbol as well as the English and isiZulu word for the number. The odd numbers are blue, and the even numbers are orange.

I would recommend laminating the mats for durability.

These number mats are great for children to count out objects to match the number on the mat. Another use is as playdough mats. Children can use playdough to make the number symbol or make the correct amount of objects out of playdough to match the number on the mat.

Children can also order the mats from smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest.

For older learners you can discuss odd and even numbers. Children can also choose a number and say which number comes before and which number comes after.

Please note that I do not speak isiZulu and all my isiZulu resources have come together from the work that I do for an N.P.O. I have spent many hours researching and finding words, phrases etc that can assist in creating much needed isiZulu resources.

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