Grade 7 CBC Social Studies Lesson Notes
Resource Description
Download high quality professionally prepared notes. The notes are prepared for student and teachers of Junior Secondary Kenya Competence Based Curriculum syllabus. The document is available in PDF format for teachers to edit and make changes easily. i has been prepared with clear diagrammatic illustrations showing various work to suit the grade seven teaching standard.
Below is a brief Overview of the file
Career and entrepreneurial opportunities in Social Studies
The main goal of teaching social studies is to teach students to become good citizens. We are living in a diverse society — one that requires knowledge of social studies to succeed. With a social studies background, children become adults that can participate civilly in our democratic society. Social studies connect students with the real world.
Specific topics within social studies that are studied in school coursework include:
a) geography,
b) anthropology,
c) economics,
d) history,
e) sociology,
f) political science, and
g) civics.
Importance of social studies
– it help understand the cultural diverisity
– help us understand our roles as citizens
– help us understand how the three arms of government operates e.g the legislature, executive and judiciary
1. Better Reading And Learning
Social studies is one area in education where content integration is key. Students are given reading material that corresponds with the current