Grade 10 Social Sciences (SS) Geography Term 1 – 4 Summaries – Noted Summaries
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Resource Description
Grade 10 Social Sciences (SS) – Geography summaries: This summaries is composed by using the Via Africa Textbook and combining the word to form one product / summary of the work with examples and supplementary notes by compiler (external party).
- Geographic Information Systems. / Aerial photos; Orthophoto maps; Satellite images. / Measurement of relative bearing. / Landforms on a map. / Composition and structure of the atmosphere. / Heating → atmosphere. / Moisture → atmosphere. / Synoptic weather map. / Geomorphology: Structure of the Earth; plate tectonics; folding and faulting; Earthquakes; Volcanoes. / Population distribution & -density. / Population structure. / Population growth. / Population movement. / HIV & Aids. / Water sources → World Oceans. / Water management → South Africa. / Water in the world.