
You can purchase the products and copy for your classes' use.

Resource Description

Hierdie dokument bevat die projek (informatiewe opstel) en Uitvoerende kunste aktiwiteite vir Kwartaal 3, soos uiteengesit in die ATP 2023/24 vir Lewensvaardighede Graad 6. Die informatiewe opstel handel oor Nasionale dae van Suid-Afrika en tel 30 punte. Die uitvoerende kunste handel oor musiek (sing) en dans wat 40 tel.

Resource Reviews

Store reviews: ( 11 ratings )


Cannot open download

Annelize Scholtz - September 1, 2023

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Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.