Resource Description

This is a 35 point Mathematic test for grade 4 learners to practice for their upcoming tests with a MEMORANDUM.
The test includes the folowing:

1. Hoofrekeninge
2. Uitgebreide notasie
3. Plekwaardes en waardes van getalle
4. Optel en aftrek
5. Skryf die getalle neer vir die woorde
6. Afronding

This is a Mathematic test for grade 4 learners to practice for their upcoming tests with a MEMORANDUM.


Resource Reviews

Store reviews: ( 6 ratings )

Die toets is te eenvoudig

Dit dek nie alles wat ek wou gesien het nie. Woordomme, maal, deel, vergelyking, stygende en dalende volgorde...

Angelique McKenzie - September 16, 2022

Wiskunde toets Kwartaal 1

Only 2 pages and doesn't cover everything they ave done in quarter 1 - September 16, 2022

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