Resource Description

Learn and Practice Acerca de Higiene / Hygiene in Spanish with Interactive Games; in this case, “Memory Game” produces numerous benefits for your students, beyond the entertainment they provide.  There is a varied catalog of proposals for activities to work at school or home. Memory games occupy a special place on this list of ideas. And, in addition, they produce numerous benefits. They have a simple format since the essential objective of this experience is to promote memorization, recognition, identification, and classification of information.  This type of activity is available in traditional format and also digital. These games have a specific theme, for example, letters, images, or numbers. Thus, they have educational value. Analyzing the benefits and opportunities of these activities are:

1st Empowers the visual memory,

2nd Exercises the short-term memory,

3rd Establishes relationships and connections in the brain,

4th Externalizes maximum concentration,

5th Increases brain activity,

6th Collaborates with the process of cognitive abilities, and

7th Activates the emotional intelligence of your students. 

Instructions to play Memory, First, Practice the words following the slides. Then, Play it as a PPT and use your mouse. Just press on the square of the coordinates you picked to see your cards, If the 2 cards don’t match, flip the cards by pressing the red X by each picture; Keep guessing.  After all cards are matched. Press Start Again (red circle), if you want to play another round.

Besides, it includes other games such as Riddles (follow the instructions listed on a slide to play), Find the Objects (follow the instructions listed on a slide to play, and also, “The Hanged Man’” which s a popular game that tests student’s ingenuity, their knowledge of vocabulary and their use of letters. This simple game of guessing the name of a character, the name of a movie, or whatever the word is.  The hangman game has the mission of finding the correct word or phrase by indicating the letters that make it up. For each failed word, the game draws a person’s body part.  If the user does not guess the sentence or the word to be searched for before the game character has a head, arms, and legs, he loses the game. The hangman game therefore becomes a different and fun way of learning and an activity that offers the following advantages:

– Stimulates intelligence

– Increases concentration and attention

– Teaches students to handle and practice the letters of the alphabet

– Teaches students to write

– Helps in student’s pronunciation

– Increase student’s vocabulary

– Helps them learn new words

 Instructions To play Hangman: First, Practice the words following the slides Then, Play the game as a PPT and use your mouse. Just press on the square letter your students suggest, if the letter is correct, it will bounce down to its place, if the letter does not come down, it was incorrect you should press the red X circle to add a body part.  Keep playing until your students guess all the letters or you hang the Teacher.  If the students think of a word and they miss it, add body parts as incorrect. Press the arrow for the next word. Finally, and after the last word enter to end the game.


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 This file includes a PowerPoint Presentation Interactive Game to play virtually or as a whole classroom practice activity. Contains 16 slides.


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