Fun game for your learners to assist them in learning the vocabulary for the Family Memebrs


Resource Description

Play a fun game with your learners.

Divide your learners into groups of 5. Give each group a pack of the “My family” cards. Share the cards between the group members. The learners begin by putting a card from their pack on a stack in the middle of the group. This goes on, each round the player puts a card down. When two cards of the same family member land on the stack, directly after each other, any learner can say SNAP and also say the name of the family member. Any player of the group can say SNAP and the name of the family member. The first player who say SNAP first as well as the correct name of the family member receives the whole stack. The game is repeated until a player has all the cards. This player then wins.

It is important that the player must say SNAP and the name of the family member on the two cards to win the round.

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