
© 2001 Tanja de Vos. The download of this activity includes a limited use license from De Vos Education. You may only use the resources for personal classroom use. Therefor: This purchase does not allow you to transfer it to others such as another teacher, school, or district. You may not sell any of my activities, power points, worksheets, or tests You may not post my activities on the internet. You may not use my clipart or images to create any of your own activities. You may not use my templates to create your own activities. Violating these terms is against the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Resource Description

Images that can be used as a PowerPoint Presentation of as images in tasks for explaining the concept of Environmental Studies, Abiotic factors and specifically Altitude. It can be sued in conjunction with the workbook and teacher’s guide. Devoseducation Store

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