ENGLISH HL – TASK 10 (Control test/ end of year exam) GRADE 7
Resource Description
This resource is alligned with the caps document for grade 7. It has 4 sections and is out of 60 marks
- Question 1 – Comprehension. Includes a comprehension text and questions based on the comprehension (20 marks)
- Question 2 – Visual text. includes a cartoon to analyse and questions based on the cartoon (10 marks)
- Question 3 – summary. includes a text for learners to sumarise (10 marks)
- Question 4 – Language in context. Includes language questions based on the comprehension text (20 marks)
Total for this task – 60 marks
Included in this purchase is the memo for the task as well as a scope which can be printed out and given to learners in preparation for the test. The documents are in word format so you are able to edit where necessary and add in your details.
The cover page has space for you to analyse each question and assist with your diagnostics.
The test itself consists of 9 pages, the memo consists of 9 pages and the scope is 1 page long.