
Resource Description

استمتع مع أطفالك أو طلابك وهم يتعلمون الحروف الهجائية باستخدام خارطة الحروف هذه مع البطاقات.

Have fun while teaching your students the alphabet using these colorful chart and cards . The chart includes 28 Arabic letters, a word and picture for each letter. The set also contains cards that coordinates with the chart. You can use them to explain the letter / sound, play a memory game or in any way you like! There is a black & white version of the chart for your students to color as they will be happy to have their own.

This set can add color and fun to your classroom to display them on the wall in the writing center or to use them as an independent letter / sound tool for beginner writers. You can use them for back to school time.

كلمات الحروف المتضمّنة في البطاقات كالتالي:

أ: أسد

ب: بطة

ت: تفاح

ث: ثعبان

ج: جزرة

ح: حصان

خ: خروف

د: دودة

ذ: ذئب

ر: ريشة

ز: زرافة

س: سيارة

ش: شمس

ص: صاروخ

ض: ضفدع

ط: طاولة

ظ: ظفر

ع: عش

غ: غزال

ف: فأر

ق: قطار

ك: كرة

ل: ليمون

م: مظلة

ن: نمر

هـ: هرة

و: وردة


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You are granted permission to use this product only for your personal use and non-commercial use.

I hope you like this product and thank you for purchasing!

Wasael Talimi


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