
Resource Description

The Afrikaans (FAL) exam caters for learners with different abilities, the cognitive level percentages are: Lower Order 40%, Middle Order 40%, Higher order 20%. The exam follows the CAPS requirements: comprehension, summary, visual text (a bar graph) and language concepts. There’s a variety of language concepts that the learners are tested on including: Infinitive (placing the om… te in the right place), past tense and future tense with om…. te; lydende vorm, samestellings/ afleidings amongst others. The exam has a continuous theme on the Kruger National Park running throughout it, so the learners will be writing an exam as well as learning a bit about the Kruger National Park. The exam can be edited according to your needs and is set in powerpoint (ppt). The exam can also be used as revision before the learners exams or parts of it like the comprehension, summary or language concepts can be used as class activities.

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