Graad 5 Hulpmiddels / Grade 5 Resources


Ons het voorheen ‘n plasing gedoen oor Graad 4 Hulpmiddels en het baie navrae gekry oor ander grade. Hier is ‘n paar hulpmiddels vir graad 5-onnies en ouers!

Our previous post about Afrikaans Grade 4 resources did very well and we were asked about resources for other grades. Find some awesome grade 5 resources for teachers and parents below!

Gr 5 Wiskunde / Gr 5 Maths

Learners are asked to identify various shapes in the picture by either outlining them or colouring them in. –> Identifying 2D Shapes Worksheet

Addition and Subtraction Riddle Worksheets

Learners solve riddles by calculating the answers to various addition and subtraction problems. The two worksheets deal with addition and subtraction of 5 digit numbers and are ideal for homework or extra practice in class. They can also be used to extend learners beyond their current level or provide extra practice for those who need it.

Wiskunde Getalle Slang

Wiskunde Getalle Slang. Wiskunde aktiwiteit wat leerders kan doen as intervensie of as ekstra werk om hulle besig te hou, veral daardie leerders wie altyd eerste klaar is. Dit is 10 werkvelle wat in PDF-formaat is.



Social Sciences Resources  // Sosiale Wetenskappe Hulpmiddels


English Resources // Afrikaans Hulpmiddels


You will also find Natural Sciences, Life Skills and other excellent resources! Click here to view all Grade 5 resources.

Klik hier om al die graad 5-hulpmiddels te sien!



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