Foundation Phase back-to-school resources

“Back-to-school, back-to-reality!”
The beginning of the school year is exciting, but it can also be chaotic! That’s why we’ve created this collection of Foundation Phase back-to-school resources to help you start the year on a high note. These resources encourage students to learn more about themselves and others, set SMART goals, and think positively about the year ahead.
We also have a collection of fun and interactive games for the Foundation Phase that are perfect back-to-school icebreakers.

Back to school activities
3 fun activities for kids to do on the first day of school

Kids Goal Tracker Coloring page, sloth themed habit chart
Set and achieve goals step by step. Download and print PDF Children set their own goals and learn to work toward their goals, learning good habits in the progress. Each time they make progress to their goal, they colour in a space until their picture is done and their goal is achieved! 4 Cute sloth designs are included in the pdf. Saving tracker / Rewards Chart / Goal coloring tracker / Cute Sloth Worksheet