
Resources are for personal use only. Copyright on products sold is owned by Little Zee's Resources. No products purchased can be sold by any party other than Little Zee's Resources. You may use these resources in your own personal use and/or non-commercial purposes.

Resource Description

Pastel Themed Educational Posters

This set has the following pdf’s:

1. 10 x A4 Educational Posters

2. 10 x A3 Educational Posters

What it includes:

1. Colours

2. Days of The Week

3. Months of The Year

4. The Weather

5. My Emotions

6. Planets

7. Shapes

8. Numbers

9. Letters

10. Inspirational Quote


– It can be printed on normal white copy print paper and then laminated OR It can be printed on matte or gloss photo paper and then stored in a frame

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