Domino dots GIFs – Animated Clipart – Dominoes and Dice
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
Take your digital resources to the next level by adding an element of anticipation and apparent “chance” with these ANIMATED domino and dice dots Clipart images! These GIFs are fantastic for making your resources more exciting and engaging!
These domino and dice dots are TRANSPARENT – you can layer them over any blank domino or dice images!
Go to my store to SAVE A MASSIVE 50% on this set with my Animated GIF Special Effects Clipart ULTIMATE BUNDLE!
336 Transparent domino/dice dots animated GIF images altogether
- Transparent domino/dice dots in double 6, double 9 and double 12 formations
Animation variations
Cycling dot formations
- 6 animations in which the GIFs cycle through the different double 6 formations and land on each of the numbers (1-6) respectively.
- 9 animations in which the GIFs cycle through the different double 9 formations and land on each of the numbers (1-9) respectively.
- 12 animations in which the GIFs cycle through the different double 12 formations and land on each of the numbers (1-12) respectively.
- 3 animations in which the GIFs cycles through the different formations (double 6, double 9 and double 12) continuously
- Each animation comes in 8 colours and black
Appearing dots
- 12 animations in which the dots appear one at a time until they end on each of the numbers (1-12) respectively.
- Each animation comes in black and colourful
2 copies of each image
- A high-quality copy
- A smaller, web-friendly copy which can be used in Boom Cards™ task cards.
Check out my preview video to see the animations in action!
Thank you so much,
Colleen Schwartz