Unplugged Coding Bundle
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Resource Description
You want to introduce or teach your students about programming / coding however you don’t have access to computers? No problem. This “Unplugged Coding” resource bundle works without computers. After completing these printable activities, your students can apply similar logic and strategies to coding websites and apps. This is a great alternative or additionally resource before using code.org or Scratch.
This resource is a bundle of a unplugged coding resources. In each, a different main concept is focused on. To use this resource, just print the PDF and have your students coding, unplugged today.
This bundle includes;
- Blank Template
- Algorithms
- Binary
- Logic Puzzles
- If / Else
- Loops
- Debugging
This bundle as the following type of activities and worksheets:
- Information pages.
- Commands information page.
- Puzzles
- Answer keys