Basic addition booklet five strategies of addition
Resource Description
When we start learning all about addition we start by learning five main strategies; using manipulatives, counting on, Ten frame charts, Number bonds, and Number lines. These five booklets focus on demonstrating how to use these five strategies when doing addition sums.
Students can be encouraged to use each strategy when completing the activities on the worksheets.
There are three activities in each booklet that encourages the use of a specific strategy by using pictures as well as examples, there are three challenge questions after each activity and an answer key.
We hope that this basic Addition booklet: using the five strategies helps both you and your students and brings you lots of fun.
This set includes:
Addition booklets:
Basic addition booklet: Using manipulatives
Basic addition booklet: Counting on
Basic addition booklet: Ten frame chart
Basic addition booklet: Number lines
Basic addition booklet: Number binds
Basic addition online game
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