Store Reviews
Trots SA!
Oulike onderwerpe relevant tot Suid-Afrikaanse kinders se omgewing en belewenisse.
Helene Heymans- June 23, 2023 Shweshwe Kleuters Handleiding | Tema- en Taalprogram
Very manageable and easy to use
This course is easy to use and open-ended in structure: The design behind each lesson is to prompt conversations between parent-child or teacher-child around a specific theme while providing a small handful of new words associated with that topic.
Helene Heymans- June 23, 2023 Shweshwe Kids Manual | Early Childhood Theme and Language Programme
Baie oulik!
Verbruikersvriendelik & omgewingsvriendelik.
Carina Heymans- June 23, 2023 Shweshwe Kleuters Handleiding | Tema- en Taalprogram
Creative - and very cute!
This course is great to inspire conversations. The detailed pictures present lots of opportunities to zoom in for further elaboration or to ask questions that can keep the conversations going.
Carina Heymans- June 23, 2023 Shweshwe Kids Manual | Early Childhood Theme and Language Programme