• My Klaskamer - Juffer se winkel
  • My Klaskamer fokus hoofsaaklik op hulpmiddels vir onervare leerders en behoort van waarde vir Huistaal – asook Eerste Addisionele Taal – te wees.  Dit sluit aspekte soos lees, spel, skrif en wiskunde in beide Afrikaans en Engels in.
    Produkte word op jou rekenaar afgelaai, sodat jy dit oor en oor kan gebruik.
    Geen herverkope.  (c) Kopiereg geldig.

    My resources include flashcards, worksheets, posters and decor in English and Afrikaans.  You will be able to download these resources to print them to your heart’s content.

    No resales.  (c) Copyright valid.

Showing 1–21 of 304 results

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Always update your resources, rather than deleting and re-uploading a new one: If a resource is deleted from the system, those that have paid for the resource are no longer able to access their bought product.