Write About My Interests (7-11 years)
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Resource Description
Write About My Interests (All About Me Writing Prompts) (7-11 years)
Answer the questions to write about the things that interest you or are very special. Try to explain why you feel this way.
This series provides prompts to get the child to write. It provides starting points to encourage children of all abilities to write – even the most reluctant writers. With this series they will be inspired to write stories, poems, play scripts, diaries, reports, persuasive leaflets and more.
More than this, the child will learn writing techniques; simple, compound and complex sentences, connectives and spelling, punctuation and grammar tips. There is an emphasis on improving vocabulary – looking at lots of better word choices: harder adjectives, more powerful verbs and adverbs.
19 pages
Watch the video below, for a sneak peak inside this fantastic book…