
Resource Description

The purpose of this resource is to give children ideas for writing and to show how the use of good words makes stories more interesting. In this task, the child reads a lively radio script from Guinea Pig Fm radio, where listeners have written a series of anecdotes of their animal horror stories. They can choose one of these anecdotes to develop into a story, in three paragraphs.

The second task presents further dialogue that children have written about their animals. These anecdotes are intended to give the child ideas for writing their own funny animal stories. They are then encouraged to write further stories, in three paragraphs, using good words.

This lesson will take approximately 1 hour.

This resource is featured in the book ‘We Love Animals: Get Going With Creative Writing’ series.

This series provides prompts to encourage children to write. It provides starting points, to encourage even the most reluctant writers.

Written in a lively magazine style format, each pack provides a step by step guide to teach children how to plan and write an animal themed story.
The packs also provide starting points to write e-mails, letters, play scripts, diaries, reports and other non fiction texts.

The child will learn writing techniques; simple, compound and complex sentences, connectives and spelling, punctuation and grammar tips. There is an emphasis on improving vocabulary – looking at lots of better word choices: harder adjectives, more powerful verbs and adverbs.

This series is recommended for use with children between the ages of 7-11 and provides writing practice for those children preparing to take examinations. The packs will also benefit children with special needs, or where English is a second language.

11 pages

Watch the video below, for a sneak peek at this fantastic book…

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