WOODLAND ANIMALS Brain Breaks [Brain Gym]
52 fun, quick and easy Woodland animal-themed activities to use as a daily warm up, to keep the students active, or to help them refocus in the middle of a class. Perfect to stretch out those Lockdown Blues and keep youngsters moving!
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
52 fun, quick and easy Woodland animal-themed activities to use as a daily warm up, to keep the students active, or to help them refocus in the middle of a class. Perfect to stretch out those Lockdown Blues and keep youngsters moving!
– 52 Brain Break Activities on Rectangular Cards (In Colour – 4 cards on a page).
– Detailed tips and instructions included.
– Animals featured (with Clip Art Images): Bear / Bunny / Chipmunk / Deer / Fox / Gopher / Hedgehog / Moose / Owl / Raccoon / Skunk / Squirrel / Woodpecker