Wiskunde Toets Gr.6 / Mathematics Test Gr.6 – Kwartaal 1/Term 1 + Memorandum
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Resource Description
This test is Afrikaans and English. The test is 49 marks and has a memorandum.
The test includes the following work:
1. Waardes van getalle / Vaues of numbers.
2. Plus en minus somme / Addition and subtraction sums.
3. Woordsomme / Wordsums.
4. Rons af / Round of.
6. Kort berekeninge / Short calculations.
7. Skryf die getal in woorde / Write the number in words.
8. Uitgebreide notasie / expanded notation.
9. Waar en vals vrae / True and false questions.
10. Vul in >, ,, ,, ,, ,< or = between fractions,
12. Tyd: bv 365 dae = 1 jaar, 1 dekade = 10 jaar ensovoorts. / Time, for example: 365 days = 1 year, 1 decade = 10 years ext.