The /CH/ sound. Conquering -CH and -TCH!
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Resource Description
The phonic approach encourages young Learners to link alphabetical letters directly to sounds. The consonant digraphs -CH, and trigraph -TCH produce one sound. Learning new sounds in words takes a lot of practice and word work.
This product aims to consolidate and reinforce the /CH/sound word spellings (-CH and -TCH). It kicks off with an essential revision of the short vowel sound: the key to the spelling rules of -CH and -TCH.
Included in this 10-page pack are activities with visual cues to assist and prompt students to easily learn the /CH/ sound words. Retention and recall are addressed by the inclusion of cut-out cards which can be laminated for durability. The relevant spelling rules (and exceptions) are fully explored throughout the resource. Last, but definitely not least, is a sentence writing activity. The sentence writing is fully guided, and accompanied by appropriate ‘word lists’. Let’s build better sentences!
Suitable for: grades 1 to 3 (depending on the individual level), ESL and home-schooling.
Wishing all our learners fun as they acquire new skills!
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