Term 3 – English home language assessments task 2 including rubrics
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
Listening and speaking
Rubric for telling news – Uses sequence
Listens to instructions/announcements and responds appropriately.( 2 options – draw a burger/dinosaur)
Listens for details in a story and answers open and closed ended questions
Identifies sequence and setting of a story
Rubric – Reads big books or enlarged text with the teacher
Answers higher order questions based on a passage
Interprets information from simple tables
Rubric – Reads aloud from own book and reads with increased fluency
Rubric – reads aloud to partner
Recognises common consonant digraphs at the beginning of words
Uses consonant blends to build up and break down words
Phonics test page with rubric
Group common words into sound families
Forms frequently used capital letters
Copies and writes short sentences correctly
Creative Writing
Writes a message on a card
Writes at least 2 sentences of own news
Begins to use punctuation – capital letters and full stops
With help uses nouns and pronouns in writing.