Summary guide
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Resource Description
A comprehensive summary guide covering a great deal of language structures that grade 5 learners learn throughout their grade 5 year.
Below is a list of what is in the summary guide:
1. Parts of speech
1.1 Nouns
1.2 Adjectives
1.3 Verbs
1.4 Verb to be
1.5 Modal verbs
1.6 Phrasal verbs
1.7 Adverbs
1.8 Pronouns
1.9 Prepositions
1.10 Conjunctions
1.11 Interjections
2. Tenses
2.1 Simple present tense
2.2 Simple past tense
2.3 Simple future tense
2.4 Present progressive tense
2.5 Past progressive tense
3. Negatives
4. Subject verb concord
5. Articles
5.1 The
5.2 A
5.3 An
6. Question forms
7. Prefixes, root words and suffixes
7.1 Root words
7.2 Prefixes
7.3 Suffixes
8. Plurals
9. Degrees of comparison
10. Compound words
11. Active and passive voice
An additional verb list has also been added to form part of the summary guide.