
Purchase of this product entitles the purchaser to reproduce the pages for a single classroom/home only. Please do not duplicate this product for your friends, colleagues, grade level, or school without purchasing additional licenses for each of them. This product is the intellectual property of ShiAnn Schultz from BRAINZe and is protected by copyright law. Please do not claim this product as your own work. Selling any part of this resource or sharing it for free is not allowed. Posting any part of this resource on the internet is strictly prohibited and is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Resource Description

Taalwiel is ‘n prettige en opvoedkundige speletjie wat geskik is vir Afrikaanse taalstudente van alle vlakke.

Spelers kan aan die wiel draai en wanneer dit stop, moet hulle ‘n vraag beantwoord wat verband hou met die Afrikaanse taal. Hierdie vrae kan gaan oor grammatika, woordeskat, spelling en nog vele meer.

Met elke vraag wat beantwoord word, kan spelers hul kennis van die taal verbeter terwyl hulle dit geniet om die spel te speel. Taalwiel is ‘n opwindende manier om jou taalvaardigheid te verbeter en jouself te toets in ‘n prettige omgewing.

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