Preschool/Kindergarten/1st/ESL/Homeschool Resources-Short Sentences- Letters Aa-Zz.
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Resource Description
Preschool/Homeschool/ESL -Short Sentences- Letters Aa-Zz.
Reading is an essential part of our development. With this resource, you will be able to read to your child, have an interactive lesson and ask open-ended questions like “What is green, round and we can eat it?” Once you are done with the PDF containing the short sentences, you can then move on to completing the worksheets related to the short sentences. Finally, you can move on to the more advanced worksheets and introduce tenses by reading the sentences and asking your child to match them with the correct picture. At the end of each worksheet, there is a section to write a sentence, for younger children you could write a letter, words, or a sentence to re-write, and for older children, they could write a short sentence in the space provided.
What is included?
A PDF – Short sentences relating to the alphabet letters. (In color/colour)
2-3 Sentences for each alphabet letter.
This PDF could be printed and laminated to last longer or it could be used on your laptop during guided reading lessons.
12 pages (1-page Terms of Use).
A PDF – Picture/Reading – Worksheets related to the short sentences.
27 pages (1 page of Terms of Use). (These worksheets are in color/colour and black and white) (This PDF could be printed in greyscale and the picture left on the screen to see what colors to use).
A PDF – Read and Match. These activities could be used as guided reading and explaining the three tenses. If your child can work independently, this would be a great activity for them.
27 pages (1 page of Terms of Use).
Make sure that the device you intend to use this product supports PDFs.
The lesson duration will depend on the number of students and how you decide to present the lesson.
Thank you for your support!
The English version is not the same as the Afrikaans version.