Pirate Boredom Buster Jar Ideas
Resource Description
Look out for the individual Sea World Collection also sold separately.
Also in the Sea World Collection:
Nautical Sticker Collection
Pirate Book Cover
Pirate Book Labels
Pirate Boredom Buster Jar Ideas
Pirate Certificate
Pirate Door Tag
Pirate Stickers and Scene
Sea World Bookmarks
Sea World Stickers 1 & 2
Print on card or copy paper. Cut out and place in a decorated boredom jar. When the kids are bored at home they can take one boredom idea from the jar and complete that task. Add new ideas on colour paper. Perfect as a holiday project. They can take photos and share at story time either on the mat or write in their workbooks. Create your own for the classroom when they have completed their task they can ……