Owl classroom theme
Resource Description
Welcome to Miss Anri’s Classroom!
+ – 110 posters for this theme. The beautiful classroom theme consists of the following:
– Welcome poster (A3)
-2D + 3D shapes (A5 x 16 pages)
-Alphabet (A4 x 26 pages)
-Days of the week (x 7 p)
-Months of the year (x12 p)
-Number line (A4 x 24 p)
-Birthdays (A4 x 12 pages)
-Weather cards (x 7 p)
-Class rules (A3)
– Classroom Banner (2m x 0.3m)
– Homework (A4 x 6 p)
-Headings Juffrou Anri Se Klaskamer