Number Sense Subitising 0-5 Activity – Printable Number Recognition Puzzle
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Resource Description
Are you looking for a fun activity for practicing subitizing 0-5 with your kiddos and helping them to develop number sense? This engaging printable self-checking puzzle is just what you need to help your students practice number identification! This snaking puzzle is self-correcting, so your students will know immediately if they have the correct pieces or not – so this activity is great for independent practice.
This fun Number Sense Puzzle includes:
Clickable contents for easy navigation
Teacher information
Pages with printable puzzle pieces
Different number formations for some of the numbers are included so you can choose which formations suit your needs best!
Colour and Black and White printing options are both included.
Your kiddos will love practicing subitizing with this fun puzzle!
Thank you so much,
Colleen Schwartz