Resource Description
Term 4 Summaries for Natural Science and Technology.
Text book used for summaries: Platinum
Subjects covered:
1 Features of Earth
2 The Earth and Space
3 The Sun is our closest star
4 Moving around the Sun
5 The Sun and Life
6 Features of the Moon
7 Phases of the Moon
8 Moon Stories
9 Modelling a rocket
Breakdown of subjects covered:
1 The Earth is round and made of rock / The Earth’s surface has land, water and air / Most of Earth’s surface is covered in water.
2 Earth is a planet in Space / From Earth we can see the Sun, Moon and Stars.
3 The Sun is a Star / The Sun gives heat and light / The Sun is big / The Sun is far away / The Sun is our closest star / The Sun provides heat and light for living things on Earth.
4 The Earth moves around the Sun in a pathway called an orbit / The Sun is a star and at the centre of the Solar System / The Earth is one of 8 planets in the Solar System.
5 The Sun and Life / Light from the Sun starts the Energy Chain / Heat from the Sun helps living things have enough warmth / Heat from the Sun is important for the Water Cycle.
6 Features of the Moon / The Moon is a ball of rock in space / There is no air and water on the Moon / The Moon is smaller than the Earth / The Moon is closer to the Sun than the Earth.
7 The Sun’s light shines on the surface of the Moon / The Moon Features / Phases of the Moon.
8 Different stories about the moon from different cultures / San Story / Tswana Story / Xhosa Story / Suthu, Venda and Tswana Story
9 Features of a Rocket / What makes a balloon move? / Science in History / Isaac Newton / Rockets are propelled by hot gases.
Designed by My Skool Goeters – 2019
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