This is a Power Point lesson with 104 slides.
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
Life Skills Gr 3.
Review/Reinforcement. Terms 1 & 2.
The game starts from slide 6. A – X = 24 questions.
Divide class in two teams. Print out two forms.
Each team must appoint a person to keep scores on the form provided.
Click on „A” to go to the first question. The question screen will open. Click twice at left top of screen to reveal two answers.
Click on the answer – when an incorrect answer is given, that team will not have an option to „keep” or „give” the mystery box.
Click on icon : Wrong answer. No box.
The Alphabet slide will open to pick a new letter. The opposite team can proceed. (Remember „X” is the very last question to end game).
Click on the chosen alphabet letter to go to the question.
Click twice on left top of screen to reveal two answers.
When the correct answer is given, click on: Go to box.
Click on wizard three times and he will ask the question: Keep or give the box?
Click on „keep” or „give”. The wizard will reveal the outcome.
Click on the „Home” button to proceed with the game.