
Resource Description

Hierdie meervoude “cheat sheet” dui al die verskillende reëls vir meervoude op een bladsy aan. Hierdie “cheat sheet” kan vir die leerders uitgedruk word sodat hul dit in hul boeke kan plak om dit maklik te leer en daarna te verwys.

This cheat sheet explains all the different “meervoude” rules with examples on one sheet. The learners can paste this cheat sheet into their books for ease of access. It will assist them greatly when studying “meervoude” Tracy’s Tips Tools and Tricks

Resource Reviews

Store reviews: ( 20 ratings )

Meervoude "Cheat sheet" from Tracy's Tips Tools and Tricks

You have done it again Tracy! Thank you so much for all the hard work you do. I have found your Afrikaans content to be a tremendous help to me. Would you be interested in doing some content on "Verdubbeling van vokale en konsonante"? Just a thought... hint hint. Be blessed and know your work is very much appreciated.

Yahuwa's Warrior - September 16, 2022

Good resource

The last three rules are not explained entirely.

Cornievd - September 16, 2022

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