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Resource Description

Meer oor die hulpbron!

Hierdie handige hulpbron is ‘n Sosiale Wetenskappe PowerPoint en is gevul met foto’s, video’s, prente, statistieke, tabelle en meer. Dit kan in PDF en PPTX formaat gevind word. Hierdie wonderlike hulpbron kan gebruik word om jou leerders bekend te stel aan die onderwerp of om die handboek inhoud te verbeter. Hierdie hulpbron het ten doel om ‘n breedvoerige oorsig te gee van die onderwerp.

Hierdie Sosiale Wetenskappe bron bevat interessante feite en vrae wat leerders se kennis oor dié onderwerp sal help bevestig. Gebruik hierdie prettige hulpbron om te kyk na verskeie prente, foto’s en videos as ‘n selfstandige begripshulpbron vir jou klas. Hierdie hulpbron is maklik om af te laai en uit te druk. Dit is ook beskikbaar in kleur en kan swart en wit gedruk word. Die video’s as beskikbaar in die PPTX weergawe. Hierdie bron is slegs in Afrikaans.

As jy nóg bronne, aktiwiteite en hulpbronne soek, hoef jy nie verder te kyk nie! Besoek Kool Skool se bronne vir meer.

More about the resource!

This handy resource is a Social Sciences PowerPoint and is filled with photos, videos, pictures, statistics, tables and more. It can be found in PDF and PPTX format. This wonderful resource can be used to introduce your learners to the topic or to enhance the textbook content. This resource aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject topic.

This Social Sciences resource contains interesting facts and questions that will help confirm learners’ knowledge on this subject. Use this fun resource to look at various pictures, photos and videos as an independent comprehension resource for your class. This resource is easy to download and print. It is also available in color and can be printed in black and white. The videos as available in the PPTX version. This resources is in Afrikaans only,

If you are looking for more sources, activities and resources, look no further! Visit Kool Skool’s resources for more.

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