Medicine and Health Unit Study – Printable Teacher Resources and Lesson Plans
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Resource Description
Medicine and Health
This is one area we should all be interested in. Medical treatment is changing all
the time. Researchers are finding ways to keep us alive much longer than previous
generations. Some of the deadly diseases of the past are no longer a great concern. But
there are new diseases discovered every day, and treatments change. Select one of
these topics or another—viral or bacterial diseases may be a topic you would like to
learn about. Our person this time is Antonia Novello. She was responsible for the
government’s big campaign against teen smoking and drinking. Today she works with
children with AIDS. There are other important medical researchers, including
biotechnologists. This is an important field. Find out more.
Topic in this unit study include :
● Alternative Medicine
● Cancer
● Environmental Health
● Genes and Heredity
● Immunizations
● Antonia Novello
● Nutrition
● Sleep Disorders
● Zoonoses