Mathematics Practice set 1 (10th,12th) standard Basic mathematics
Resource Description
Mathematics Practice set 1 (10th,12th) standard Basic mathematics
A set of 50 Question with solution
- Computation of whole numbers,
- decimals,
- fractions and relationships between numbers,
- Profit and Loss,
- Time and distance,
- Time & Work,
- Percentage.
- Ratio & Proportion,
- Discount,
- Partnership Business,
- Mixture and Alligation,
- Square roots,
- Averages,
- Graphs of Linear Equations,
- Triangle and its various kinds of centers,
- Congruence and similarity of triangles,
- Interest,
- Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra & Elementary surds,
- Circle and its chords,
- Triangle,
- Quadrilaterals,
- tangents,
- angles subtended by chords of a circle,
- common tangents to two or more circles,
- Regular Polygons,
- Circle,
- Right Prism,
- Right, Circular Cone,
- Right, Circular Cylinder,
- Sphere,
- Heights and Distances,
- Hemispheres,
- Rectangular Parallelepiped,
- Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base,
- Histogram,
- Frequency polygon,
- Bar diagram & Pie chart,
- Trigonometric ratio,
- Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities,
- Complementary angles.