32 CCVC Word Sliders with word cards and picture support.
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds.
In order to write words, students must;
• break words down into its basic sounds
• select the letters that represent these sounds.
Therefore, phoneme segmentation is essential in developing writing and reading skills.
This Product includes:
– 32 CCVC Word Sliders, provided in 2 font & 2 border options.
– Includes size options for 2 or 4 cards per page.
– Only available in colour.
Words included:
blob / blow / chin / chip / chop / clap / clog / club / crab / crop / drop / drum / flag / frog / glad / glum / gran / grin / grub / plum / ship / sled / slip / slug / spin / spot / star / step / stop / swim / trip