Let´s talk about – A Conversation Card Game. Speaking activity. Part 3.
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Resource Description
Let’s talk about …(speaking activity) 25themes.
This worksheet contains 3 9 0 conversation cards/ 2 5 different themes:
1. Annoyances
2. Animals
3. Art
4. Birthdays
5. Business
6. Cars
7. Clothes
8. Controversial opinions
9. Current affairs
10. Fame
11.The future
12. Getting to know each other
13. Halloween
14. Holidays
15. Sleep
16. Humour
17. Jobs
18. Law
19. Music
20. Politics
21. The unexplained
22. Past simple: childhood
23. Past simple: recent events
24. Present continuous
25. Present perfect: life history
Teach conversation skills in a highly structured way with this fun game that teaches asking questions, making comments, taking turns, and having a conversation about a variety of topics!
The cards can be cut out if desired and be used as conversation questions.
Can be used with both young learners and adults (elementary to intermediate).