Let’s Practise Grammar (Pack 3) ( 9-12 years)
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Resource Description
38 pages in length
Between the ages of 9 and 12, children have to complete Standardised.Assessment.Tests (Sats). To help them practise for these tests, Guinea Pig Education have produced a new series of grammar, punctuation and spelling booklets.
The Standards and Testing Agency states that the child has 45 minutes to complete the test, answering the questions in the answer booklet. There are different types of questions for them to answer in different ways. The space for their answer shows them what type of answer is needed. The child should read the instructions carefully. Some questions are multiple choice and only need them to tick, draw lines to, or circle their answer. For others, they will need to write their answer in the space provided. Numbers at the side of the page indicate the number of marks they can get for each question.
The tests in this booklet are based on the KS2 English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Assessment sample papers. It is important to try and complete them in 45 minutes, but it is their choice. The more tests they practise the quicker they will get.
Watch the video below, for a sneak peek at this fantastic series…
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