Les Conjugaisons des Verbes au Présent + Q & A + (Tables to explain Reg/Irreg Verbs and endings).
Resource Description
This Resource takes down the huge mountain of conjugation rules and regulations and breaks it down into ‘chewable chunks’.
Included is the following:
- Opening paragraph –
French verb endings can be said to follow patterns in the way that they end. Some verbs are considered ‘irregular’ verbs because their endings do not follow regular patterns. See the patterns in the verb endings which have been compiled into boxes. Each verb ends to suit the subject/pronoun (I, you, she/he/it, they, we )
Immediately below is an explanation of how the boxes work:
- Tabled information on verbs in relation to all variables of pronouns and various verb samples
- An exercise for learners to check their understanding of all the information (see below)
Read the following extract then correct the verbs in brackets:
Marie (être) une fille qui (habiter) à Paris. Elle (aimer) (aller) à la Bibliothèque. Elle (avoir) quelques amis qui (aimer) (lire) aussi. Marie (rever) d’(être) un médecin. Elle (avoir) seize ans.
Marie (est) une fille qui (habite) à Paris. Elle (aime) (aller) à la Bibliothèque. Elle (a) quelques amis qui (aime) (lire) aussi. Marie (rêve) d’(être) un médecin. Elle (a) seize ans.
Compiled by : D.West (B.A/H.D.E (Languages) + B.A Hons)
- 15 years teaching experience in S.Africa and United Kingdom
- Naric approved
- SACE Registered.