
Resource Description

I discovered that this method is quite easier for the learners to grasp. You have to teach them the method. Length is the most difficult conversion as each UNIT have a different value (10,100 and 1000).

Firstly – they have to KNOW all the conversions off by heart.

Step 1: Write the UNITS from BIG to small (Km – m – cm – mm)

Step 2: Write the conversions: 1km = 1000m; 1m = 100cm; 1cm = 10mm

Step 3: You always have to make an ARROW pointing in the direction of the SMALLEST UNIT (m to cm will be ->; cm to m will be <-)

Step 4: Your COMMA move in the direction of the ARROW (the same amount as the ZERO’s in Step 2)

For example: 1,3km = _____ m (the arrow will be -> to the RIGHT hand side)

1km = 1000 m (therefore the comma needs to move THREE spaces to the RIGHT (->) as there is 3 ZEROS

1,3km = 1300m


124cm = ________m (the arrow will be <- to the LEFT hand side)

1m = 100cm (therefore the comma needs to move TWO spaces to the LEFT (<-) as there is 2 ZEROS

124cm = 1,24m

10 Day mental maths included: (2 weeks)

Monday – Thursday: 20 sums per day (with memo)

Fridays: 40 sums (with memo) – When you do COPYING – only copy HALF amount as Fridays are double layout

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