It’s Fun To Write A Diary About My Daily Life (6-9 years)
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Resource Description
It’s Fun To Write A Diary About My Daily Life
This pack includes a real child’s diary, written by seven year old Ellie Mae. The child should read the examples and then fill in the pages. They should use the prompts to record details from their daily life, (from the school day or weekend events). The child can zoom in on anything that inspires them – giving facts and opinions and saying how they felt and why.
This series of lively work packs encourages children of 6-9 years to record their personal experiences in a diary. This will enable the child to practice their writing skills independently and to express their ideas freely. It will encourage them to write in more detail.
A diary is usually written in present tense. It is an informal piece of writing and may contain some colloquial English.
Diaries are fun to write and to re-read later. Older children will enjoy re-reading their old ‘news’ books, years and years later.
Encourage the child to write a diary everyday, once a week or just at special times, such as, Christmas or in the summer holidays, in the form of a journal.
23 pages