Invent A Product For A Pet (7-11 years)
Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Resource Description
Firstly, the child is asked to invent a new food for their pet and then to invent a weird and wacky product for their pet to use. They can use the ideas provided to help them. Ask the child to draw their invention, to label its main features and to describe how it work and why it is unique.
This lesson will take approximately 1 hour.
This resource is featured in the book ‘We Love Animals: Get Going With Creative Writing’ series.
This series provides prompts to encourage children to write. It provides starting points, to encourage even the most reluctant writers.
Written in a lively magazine style format, each pack provides a step by step guide to teach children how to plan and write an animal themed story.
The packs also provide starting points to write e-mails, letters, play scripts, diaries, reports and other non fiction texts.
The child will learn writing techniques; simple, compound and complex sentences, connectives and spelling, punctuation and grammar tips. There is an emphasis on improving vocabulary – looking at lots of better word choices: harder adjectives, more powerful verbs and adverbs.
This series is recommended for use with children between the ages of 7-11 and provides writing practice for those children preparing to take examinations. The packs will also benefit children with special needs, or where English is a second language.
7 pages
Watch the video below, for a sneak peek at this fantastic series…