Introduction to Shapes: RECTANGLE
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Resource Description
Dive into the world of rectangles with our interactive math lessons “Introduction to Shapes.” Tailored for kindergarten classrooms, this resource includes a Google Slides lesson presentation, printable math sheets, math games, and hands-on activities. Teach the basics of geometry and shapes while meeting kindergarten standards for math. Whether used for whole-group instruction, small groups, or individual support to struggling students, this engaging resource is perfect for every educator.
What’s included:
Shape formation rhymes to introduce students to the characteristics of the shape in an easily memorable way with audio voiceover
Simple definition of the shape with voice-over
Extended definition of the shape for advanced learners with voice over
Definitions of the single parts of the shape with voice over
Interactive games
Hands-on activities
Math printable
Matching game
Sorting game
Shape play doh mat
Cutting sheets
Tracing sheets
Coloring pages
Shape Hunt – find the rectangles in a photograph
Book recommendations
Resources recommendations
ATTENTION: Internet Access is necessary to use the animation and audio features of the resource. However, the resources can be used offline without animation and audio features.