Information Writing (9-14 years)
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Resource Description
Information Writing is the essential guide for all students of 9-14 years (grades 4-8) wanting to develop their literacy skills and improve their grades in English assignments and examinations.
This book concentrates specifically on information writing and provides everything needed to stimulate a child to write. Information Writing teaches the child to recognise the difference between facts and opinions. It concentrates on different aspects of information writing including: writing to advise, writing to inform, writing to explain, writing to analyse, review and comment, giving examples. It teaches the child how a newspaper article is structured, how to write formal and informal letters, diaries, police reports, e-mails, biographies, autobiographies, interviews, book reviews and many more.
This book is designed as a starting point for writing, helping the child to form ideas, enabling him or her to structure their work and organise it into paragraphs. Attention is given to making writing more interesting by varying sentence types, using punctuation and good grammar.
Information Writing includes an exciting range of model answers and sample texts written by children and provides practice questions to test them. Common errors made by students are highlighted and corrected. It is packed with vital hints and tips on gaining those top grades. Information Writing is ideal for working through at home or as a resource in the classroom. By working methodically through this book the students will grow in confidence and will learn to enjoy writing.
101 pages